

Quality is “a group of elements and materials which can define a valutation with a specific value” and we pones QUALITY as one of the most important points of the company’s philosophy. Thanks to the historical knowledge about wood manufacture, FIMES uses for its production massif wood structures for wardrobes and multiply – curved wood for the night-tables and dressers lines.

FIMES guarantee its products from any imperfection for 24 months. Every item had got a guarantee certificate.

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Project Quality

We think at our collections always taking care about living quality, about real and everyday’s needs, in particular about saving spaces. During the times, although customised items, we have made walk in closets and wardrobes with double dephts. We are able to personify solutions for everyone. FIMES has also created particular projects as corner beds, with industrial patent and different customised solutions for equipped beds. All FIMES products are fabricated in Italy and we always select all components and materials only MADE IN ITALY.


Trying to satisfy customer’s needs, FIMES select the best standards, materials and values always looking for the best aesthetical and functional results. Thanks to the excellent productive technologies, we have assured during the years the best adaptations for market’s requests and qualitative standards. Thanks to the high precision tools and numerical control, also for the packaging, there’s always high attention during the productive line also for details.